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11/16/09 Association of Higher Civil and Public Servants led by Dave Thomas and Unite led by Jimmy Kelly taking in ballots this week perhaps joining 60,000 teachers, 55,000 administrative and professional staff in the health sector, local authorities and the Civil Service, as well as nearly 50,000 nurses, are set to take part in the industrial action.

The Irish Congress of Trade Unions says it intends to begin a campaign of action over pay and spending cuts beginning with protests on Friday 6 November.

3/30/09  Dublin, Shannon, Cork Airports strike threat for 2 April is over, both sides will sit down with Labour Relations Commission in the week. You just might sneak by.  Do you feel lucky, do ya kid?  As clint would say..

SIPTU folded as two other unions didn't have sufficient votes to move forward.

Ireland, Irish, General Strike, Nationwide,
Monday, 30 March 2009.
"Day of Strikes" it's being called. Expect severe disruptions. of all public transportation.Airlines,  Air Traffic Control, bus, Train and private sector.

Dublin International Airport will be closed on the day
from 4am till noon.

3/26/09  Thursday, Here we go again at Dublin International airport. Thought you'd scrapped by didn't you!  Now an unauthorized strike, 4am to midday on Thursday April 2nd. Don't forget taxi strike on 1 April, 09 April fools day! This came from the airport, SIPTU have no comment.

3/25/09 Wednesday strike called OFF by Irish Congress of Trade Unions, or ICTU.  Not enough members from other unions on board with strike.
New talks this weekend 28/29 March.

30 March 09 Dublin, Ireland.  National Day of Strikes! To and from airports, Dublin  International Airport (mainly international flights) Shannon and Cork. Expect severe disruptions, nation wide strike by public and private sectors. Industrial action at airport will be from 4am-noon. Siptu, Aer Lingus and Ryan Air will be affected. flight delays out of Dublin International. Bus strike is over?

Ireland, Taxi strike, 1 April, 09 Dublin Airport from 7am to 11am. Just in time for your flight to come in!

Unions going on strike, industrial action  include:-

(SIPTU) Services, Industrial, Professional and Technical Union. SIPTU represents the majority of workers at Ireland’s major airports, including security staff and air traffic controllers.

Per TEEU website:-
The TEEU is the largest engineering union in Ireland & the second largest in manufacturing representing up to 45,000 workers. The TEEU represent a broad range of workers throughout industry and public service. The TEEU in its membership includes:Craftworkers,
Technicians, Specialists, Skilled operatives,General workers,
Technical, administration, supervisory & managerial staff.

Teachers, nurses and other public sector workers have already voted to join in the day of protest organised by Ictu. However, the leve of participation in the private sector is not yet clear.

60,000 members in the Republic and represents workers in both the public and private sectors, including those in finance, manufacturing and energy.

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Ireland, possible general strike, 2010.
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