Ben Gurion airport strike
Tel Aviv airport strike
Ben Gurion Airport
​EasyJet - Paris Easyjet
​Direct flights to strike prone Italy
Malpensa Airport Strikes
Italian Bologna Airport strikes 
Travel Alerts for Ben Gurion Airport
(Not in context but came across this subterranean row boat BBC)

      Ben Gurion Airport Strike TLV

We have some strike action you may need to know that may effect your flight to and from Ben Gurion.

Barcelona El Prat threaten random strikes this summer.

Greek general strike is being planned  
30 May, 2018 Dockers will also join in

French air traffic control back at it again.
Strike will begin Monday, 21 May 2018 at 11pm and end Wednesday 5am. Airlines have already been asked to cut back flights by 20%.


Your flight likely to be delayed on Thursday, March 22, 2018 due to French air traffic control strike, will effect the whole network. Following day Air France pilot strike and ground crews. Stay in close contact with your airline.

Friday February 16, 2018 Delays today and the next two days due to rain.

Tuesday, 30 January, 2018 You need to know:-Syria threatens to send scud missile into Ben Gurion Airport Israel Today
For more strike action that might effect your flight to and from Ben Gurion Airport
Easy Travel Report

Last year 2017 strikes that we caught. 
Expect flight delays 15 December, 2017 if you are flying to Italy. Airline, airport workers and air traffic control strikes are planned see our home page 
Easy Travel Report

Update:-30 November, 2017 Good news strike has been cancelled!! Finance minister steps in.

29 November, 2017 Heads up. Tel Aviv airport workers threaten strike action starting this Friday, 1 December, 2017 evening till Saturday evening. 28,000 passengers and 180 flights will be involved. Call your airline. Ben Gurion Airport will have a skeleton crew in place. If leaving from Israel get to the airport early to get through security, minimal hand luggage.


                    Travel Guide
Tuesday 17 October, 2017 Several flight departure delays today. No cancellations.

Monday 16 October, 2017 Strike has gained momentum today. Arriving passengers were told to come back later and pick up luggage, how nice. Baggage handlers, shuttle drivers, airline cleaners all striking. Call your airline see what they have to say. 

15 October, 2017 Several flight delays today to and form Ben Gurion Airport.  Reason given in the press - 200 temps have been let go. Baggage handlers were late for shifts causing back ups.
Per An arriving plane from Ukraine, passengers had to wait an hour for a bus to take them to the terminal..

Ben Gurion Airport Strike
Update:-24 April, 2017 NO STRIKE TOMORROW. Histraut and financial minister make a deal.

24 April, 2017 General strike is possible tomorrow if negotiations don’t go well today. No public transportation including Ben Gurion International - no flights in or out. 
December 7, 2016 You should know, it's not all kumbaya over at El Al airlines. Rumblings now of unhappy flight attendants.

December 4, 2016 You should know that El Al management and El Al pilot's have come to an agreement at last. 

November 2016 Perhaps you need to know about El Al pilots are on a go slow, no overtime. Causing delays, cancelations and transferring passengers to other airlines. If you have a late flight this could be your scenario.

Heads up Lufthansa pilots will strike on Wednesday, November 23, for 24 hours, call them don't get stranded.

Israel General Strike
16 November 2016 Ben Gurion Airport strike. More flight cancelations due to pilots go slow, no over time. Flights to and from Brussels and Hong Kong effected, Newark and Beijing.

Sunday 13 November 2016 Announced today by union Histadrut a general strike in support of El Al pilots is in the near future. 10 day cooling off has starts. Common flight by El Al 007 TLV - NY JFK pilots wont pick up cell phones for over time.
We will update here or front page

8 August 2016 See Airport Authority workers new benefits bonus

Busiest time of the year at Ben Gurion Airport
5 August 2016 Good news, relax, strike has been called off.

4 August 2016 Ben Gurion strike by workers from dusk Friday till dark Saturday night.
Shabbat laws in place, landings only will take place, no takeoffs.
Row over finance minister transfer of royalties from the airport,
Unions threaten they may extend the strike action.

​​May 2016 Several strikes are planned in Europe this month including French air traffic control

Old strikes from 2016 effecting flights from Ben Guion Airport
Monday 11 January 2016 Wildcat strike started yesterday, also second time around Delta flight leaves airport with aircraft parts falling off

Old Strikes from 2015
Israeli Airport Strike
22 December 2015 Heads up - Deal made late today strike cancelled
22 December 2015 Tomorrow Wednesday, 23 December 2015 nationwide labor dispute causing flights to be delayed from 0400-1600 UTC time.

Old strikes we caught in 2015
7 September you should know Lufthansa pilot strikes this week.

30 August 2015 We missed this strike today see Israel National News

14 August 2015 Yikes, computer failure, 1,000 passengers up the creek Times of Israel

6 August 2015 Union workers come to senses and cancel strike action at TLV. You are good to go.

6 August 2015 Strike this week-end by Israel Airports Authority workers Haaretz state Ben Gurion will close starting 7:15 pm Friday 7 August 2015 till 8:15 pm Saturday 8 August, 2015. We will be updating, you never know strike might be cancelled. 200 flights and 30,000 passengers expected to be hit by this strike action.
​Call El Al or your airline.

Old strikes for 2015
20 July 2015 Strike planned for Wednesday has been cancelled.

20 July 2015 Here's the latest on the strike plans for Wednesday

19 July 2015 NOP public portal is reporting no flights tonight from 7.22pm - 8pm today.
see Ben Gurion

7 July 2015 Union Histadrut announce today, general strike Wednesday, 
22 July 2015. (Might effect Ben Gurion Airport security) follow along Also see front page for Spanish air traffic control strike dates in July.

July Spanish air traffic controllers strike dates are in 

US citizens sue Hamas Algemeiner

Old strikes for 2015
General strike is being planned for Thursday, March 12, 2015. As of yet not sure if aviation unions will be involved.

Last years strikes
7 December 2014 Are you taking a Brussels airlines flight this month? If so your flight is likely to be cancelled, brought forward or delayed
see Easy Travel Report

Old industrial actions 2014
30 November 2014 Yes folks bad day to travel to Europe tomorrow see Easy Travel Report and Lufthansa airline strike tomorrow.
Ben Gurion Airport
Monday, 17 November 2014 Wildcat El Al pilot strike, effecting El Al flights from Ben Gurion airport. 23 pilots had to take compulsory retirement, 65 years, by law last week. Government law now reinstated to 67 years if pilots take physical. 3 flights were cancelled till tomorrow, Hong Kong, New York and Newark. El Al state they were not on strike, just the results of rules and regulations. Call El Al to confirm your flight this week. Departures EL AL
2 November 2014 Wildcat strike today by Ben Gurion airport workers. Strike is over but delays will continue into late evening. 
19 October 2014 We have some air strikes you might want to know about that may effect your travel plans from and to Ben Gurion International Airport.

Lufthansa pilot strike, EasyJet Strike and Tap Airlines
Italian air strikes and general strikes in Belgium and Morocco see ETR
​German Railway strike issues still not resolved.

Old strikes for 2014
15 October 2014 Late last night flights in and out of Ben Gurion Airport were hit by a wildcat baggage strike. No sorry, temporary failure of the baggage check in and departure computer system.

Are you flying to Germany today? (Wednesday) DB Rail Strike
Wednesday 15 October 2014 starting 2pm and ending 4am Thursday morning. Local times
12 October 2014 Arkia pilots sickout or illegal strike Times of Israel

5 October 2014 Union workers at Ben Gurion Airport met today for an emergency meeting. Strike could be in the works after the holidays in two weeks.

25 September2014 Couple of international travel news:- Lufthansa Airline pilots threaten more strike action. CZ Airlines/CSA threaten strike action

18 September 2014 A three hour strike took place today in solidarity with the postal workers, the postal workers...Ynet
 Air France strike in full swing. Italian air traffic control coming up. 

21 AUGUST 2014 Ben Gurion operating at full capacity today. Chances are you will be delayed. 
Despite Hamas threat, flights as normal The Times of Israel

6 August 2014 FAA has lifted restrictions on US air carriers into Ben Gurion International Airport.

24 JULY 2014 Flight ban lifted Defence Update

22 July 2014 US Airways and Delta Air Lines announce they've cancelled flights to Israel due to safety concerns - indefinitely. Routes:-NY JFK - Ben Gurion International Airport, and from Los Angeles, Philadelphia. That's three US airlines now, including United who cancelled last week. Notice from Delta Airlines and the late notice from the FAA 
Problem with Delta flight
​FAA state it's only for 24 hours?
Air France, Iberia, Air Canada, Swiss Air, Lufthansa and KLM also cancel flights. How are you going to leave or go to Israel now? Perhaps a ferry from/to Haifa, via Cyprus or Greece?Tell us what your plan B is. El Al of course is still flying as with Israir and British Airways.

EasyJet say's it all:-Safety and security of easyJet's passengers and crew is the airline's highest priority.

Due to the FAA's instruction to all United States' airlines to suspend their flights to Israel easyJet is suspending its services to and from Tel Aviv for 24 hours and as a result will not be operating Luton/Tel Aviv/Luton and Basel/Tel Aviv/Basel flights on Wednesday 23 July.

Thereafter, easyJet will review its operations to and from Israel on a day by day basis taking into account the advice from all relevant authorities.
(I suspect this is all done to give John Kerry US State Department, leverage)

14 July 2014 Fleeing Gaza YahooNews
​Delta flight turns around Seacoast

12 July 2014 American Airlines and US Airway's cancel flights.

11July 2014 Airport efficiency getting to Hamas. Hamas now plan on sending rockets to Ben Gurion Airport, warns airlines Reuters
​Are American and UK governments giving out travel warnings? US. Travel.State has nothing up, that we could see today but Gov. UK is on the ball. Sign up for warnings.

11 July 2014 Several flight delays today by looking at the departure board. Of course this doesn't tell the whole story now a days. Tourists still going to the beach

9 July 2014 We are getting asked, "Is it safe to fly to Israel? Is Ben Gurion Airport safe? Here's an article from JTA Airport also states flights are as normal as can be  expected.

8 July 2014 Much needed Iron Dome has been in effect for 48 hours. See New York Post article. Ben Gurion Airport changes flight plans
​If flying back to USA make sure your electronics are charged. Or you will be pulled aside for yet more security checks. Cell phone must be showing a charge.

4 July 2014 Here's a bit more information for you. Several flight delays again today. Haaretz reports hundreds of passengers mulling around.

Customs official has stated go slow has been going on all week and that some luggage has gone through without inspections.Today it's the reversal every passenger is getting searched, hence to long lines.

Strike is likely to spill over to ports. Cruise ship passengers beware.

(Nothing worse than a go slow. Passengers held hostage like this. Can you imagine showing up three hours before your flight and waiting another three hours. Kids, elderly. The nerve of these workers, messing with people's lives like this. You'd think this action would be a security issue for Israel and illegal. Sorry I'm ranting)

​3 July 2014 Go slow going on at Ben Gurion. One international flight cancelled. Domestic flights are on time. Israel Airport Authority workers claim it's due to shortage of manpower, 150. Globe
​Look at flightstats gives information of departure delays. You may have to re-fresh your screen.

​Sunday, 22 June 2014 Technical failure due to airports computer systems. Failure included luggage X-Ray machines if you can believe that one. Issue was reported at 5 am and fixed in the afternoon. Thousands of passengers delayed. 

7 June 2014 Flights from Ben Gurion to France will be delayed, cancelled or brought forward due to French air traffic control strike June 24 - 29 follow along with us at Easy Travel Report 

6 June 2014 Customs inspectors in negotiations with management. Threaten go slow.

21 May 2014 Sanctions over with
Jewish Business News

Old industrial actions for 2014
Flights to Germany from Ben Gurion Airport will be delayed this week.
​Friday, 28 March, 2014 German airline pilots announce strike dates. Strikes start midnight Wednesday April 2nd and will end Friday, midnight the 4th of April. Local time. 
Lufthansa pilot strike German airport security strike issues are still not resolved.

25 March 2014 Flights from 
Tel Aviv to German Frankfurt Airport are going to be severely delayed or cancelled on Thursday, 27 March due to strike by baggage handlers, airport security and bus drivers who drive you to your aircraft. Frankfurt airport strike
and see Frankfurt Airport
21 March, 2014 Lufthansa pilots threaten strike action. Pilots will give 24 hours notice. Will not strike over Easter Lufthansa pilot strike
11 March 2014 Irish airport strike Friday. Follow along with us Dublin Airport Strike.
18 January 2014 Big blow to EasyJet. EasyJet 3 flights a week to Paris Charles de Gaulle, denied due to over crowded skies over Paris. We think it has to do with protecting Air France. Which is in dia financial straights. El Al adds another daily flight to Paris making it four flights a day.

Old industrial actions for 2013.
29 July 2013 An article caught my eye this week regarding Air Dolomiti and Corsair Airlines. Airport manager is livid with these two airlines. They've arrived late causing airline to miss departure time. Passengers end up taking the brunt of this and end up sleeping at the airport. Roll on that new hotel. Aegean Airlines sold tickets for flights at a departure time that did not coinside with actual departure time slot. 



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Ben Gurion Airport, TLV, Strikes, Flight Delays, you name it
Terminal 3 - hotel to be built by 2015, otherwise closest hotel is The Sadot, 10 mins away. Ben Gurion airport TLV open 24 hours. Summer season starts 1 July. Thursday's are the airport's busiest day of the week and don't make plans to leave from or land at Ben Gurion airport on a Sunday evening.
July 2014  Lufthansa, German Wings, Austrian Airlines, Swiss and Brussels Airlines back flying to Israel.
Custom Search
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Tuesday, April 23 Deal made with government. Israeli government will pay 97.5% of the airport security costs for El Al. 200 extra chairs ended up coming in for elderly passengers, sandwiches, 250 cots and diapers for the babies.
Monday, Update:- 22 April El Al flights were cancelled all day long today. Last night passengers slept on the floor of the airport. No vouchers or hotels offered to passengers.

Sunday, Update:-21 April Hundreds of flights cancelled today.

Issue not over with. New strike starting 5AM - 9PM Tuesday by Israeli Histadrut union workers. Airlines involved same as today, El Al, Arkia and Israir. Airport authority is supporting strike and will join in. Essentially airport will be closed for a few hours. More strikes to come. Union will continue striking until negotiations with ministers are scheduled.

Again your flight will be bought up or delayed till following day. SATA Airlines is also on strike Tuesday, Wednesday and Lufthansa passengers will be reeling form Lufthansa strike starting tomorrow for 24 hours.

Update:-Friday 19 April, 2013 Strike still on.
Incoming flights will not be cancelled. 
Sunday morning some 50 outward bound flights will be cancelled. 
Histadrut union will strike legally next week. No date given yet.
Cabinet members to vote on Sunday on the Open Skies policy. New airport planned for Timma.
Follow along with us on EL AL strike

April 18, 2013 Announced today, three Israeli airlines will strike this Sunday, April 21 over new Open Sky rules and regulations. Flights by El Al, Arkia and Israir will be delayed. Call airline and and your airport. Last thing you want is to be stranded at the airport. Double whammy if you are flying from Marseille. French airport security strike. Marseille airport recommend no hand luggage and come two hours or more early.

What happened to the law "two weeks notice" must be given for airline, airport strikes? 

Old industrial actions
December 30, long standing dispute over contract workers has been resolved. Strike threat called off.

Who else is on strike today?
What's your airline up to?
Shaky Airline Status
Airport Strikes 2018

El Al
El Al cancels flights
Ben Gurion Airport departures
Yikes! is my airline affected?

Old Stuff
You should also know that El Al has called for a labour dispute, this means the workers can hold a wild cat strike anytime after two weeks from now.

Week 18 November - November 23 , 2012 Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion airport, tel Aviv, expect arrival flight delays for security reasons.

16 November Tomorrow Tel Aviv airport will be intermittently closed in the evening for arrivals. Call your airline.

12 September 2012 Tel Aviv Airport wildcat strike yesterday Yeshiva World

31 August 2012 Employee go slow at Ben Gurion now over. Airport Authority and employees have reached a contract deal.

10 July 2012 Call El Al chances are your flight has been delayed.

15 March 2012 You should know that Israeli airlines have given notice of strike. No date set.
Update:-Airport up and running earlier than expected.

7 November 2011 Airport will open 10pm local time. Judge ordered strike to last only four hours. All parties are to meet back on Thursday 10 November.

6 November Waiting for judges opionion if it's legal or not.
Ben Gurion airport will be closed for a nationwide general strike. Airport will close 8am local time Monday 7 November 2011. 
Call your airline. No date or time set yet for when strike is to be over.  Bring cash banks will be on strike and public transportation buses and trains.
Israel's powerful Histadrut trade union confederation, The Histadrut Labor Federation, the umbrella organization for hundreds of thousands of public sector workers have called the strike.

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About Easy Travel Report Travel Guide

Travel Agent Wanted
ETR is looking for a reliable established independent high street travel agent to link up with who knows Israeli public transport, Ben Gurion airport, El Al like the back of your hand. In return we will promote you and your company.

Do you have some useful information others can use regarding this industrial action?

In your in-box every Monday morning. Brief synopsis of the world's travel industrial disputes. We appeal to travel agents, unions, lawyers, security men, insurance men, business and pleasure travelers, yes, we even have a politician.

Under Israeli law, two weeks notice of a labour dispute must be given in advance.

El Al Israel Airlines
Ben Gurion International Airport, Tel Aviv only safe way out of Israel. 
       Other airports
Eilat Airport
Ovda Airport
Haifa Airport
Rosh Pina Airport
Herzlia Airport
Dov Hoz Airport

Border Crossings
        Nitzana Border Crossing
Taba Border Crossing
Allenby Border Crossing
Jordan River Border Crossing
Yitzhak Rabin Border Crossing 

Cruise ship port Eilat. Two new ports to be developed.
A local paper

Ben Gurion Airport Strike