Malpensa airport strike

               Milan Airport Strike 
International flights from Dubai, New York, Turkey and Moscow . United and Delta Airlines. 
Alitalia pulling the route to Rome Fiumicino Airport January 31, 2017. EasyJet will continue with the route through summer 2017. Ryanair workers all over Europe threat strike action in 2018. So have a plan B!

Italian Airport Strike
Alitalia Strike
Cargo:-FedEx Express, parcel will be slowed.
Cityliner leaves from Linate Airport

Travel Industrial Action strike this week 2018
Who else is on strike today?
What's your airline up to?
Airport Strikes 
Shaky Airline Status
Important Italian informational site (refresh)
Local paper Corriere Della Sera   
​Neos Airline
Cityliner Strikes
​Trenitalia Strikes

Strikes can effect Alitalia from Fiumicino British Airways from Heathrow, EasyJet flights from Amsterdam, Rome Fiumicino, Luton and Gatwick. Wizzair flights from Budapest. Aer Lingus from Dublin. Even as far away as Toronto, Canada and Narita Japan.

See Easy Travel Report for Updates strikes 

Remember strikes do get cancelled 24 hours before hand.

​3 July, 2018 Italian air traffic control planned for the 5th of July has been deferred to Saturday 21 July, 2018.

New Italian air traffic control strike Thursday 5 July, 2018 00:01 - 23:59 hours. Be prepared for flight delays. Minimum service will be in effect.  Airlines will be asked to cut back flights for a certain percentage. Malpensa Airport is always hit badly with delays, particularly flights to Rome see Italian air traffic control strikes.

French air traffic control strike See Marseille airport strikes weekly event will cause delays in Italian air space.

Italian strikes planned in Italy 8 June, 2018
Italian air traffic control nationwide from 1pm - 5pm.
Controllers from Brindisi, Padua, Catania, Palermo, Milan, Pescara, Cagliari, Lamezia, Venice, Rome's Ciampino and Fiumicino airports.

Italian airlines Blu Panorama and Air Italy pilot's and cabin crews 1 - 5pm 8 June, 2018.

Bologna airport personnel 8 June 1pm - 5pm.

Italian rail strike:-Ferroviario:-Trenord, NTV nationwide strike starts 7 June, 10pm to 8 June, 2018 6am
You should also know a French air traffic control strike is planned for Saturday Sunday 9, 10 June 2018 out of Marseille Airport

Greek general strike 30 May, 2018
Barcelona El Prat air traffic control threaten strikes all summer
France, French air traffic control strike will ripple around the network Thursday 22 March, 2018. Same week Air France pilot strike and subsidiary airline Hop will be striking for updates see Easy Travel Report

Italian air traffic control will strike nationwide Thursday 8, March 2018 from 1pm - 5pm. Stay in close contact with your airline. Alitalia workers though out the day. Buses, metro, Trainord, Italo and Trenitalia check the websites. 
Strikes over Women's day. Yearly event, getting worse over the last few years. Milan's white taxis will strike from 8am - 10pm. Follow along on our front page Easy Travel Report for updates

​Strikes from 2017
These are all local times, best now than over Christmas.
13 December, an update for you taxi strike has been cancelled.

Thursday 14, December you will be hit with a nationwide taxi strike. Getting to and from Malpensa will be difficult. Make plans now. Airports, train stations, city centers and ports will be hard to maneuver.

Following day 15th Italian air traffic control strike strike from 1pm - 5pm add to this Italian aviation workers will strike for 24 hours effecting Italian airports in some shape or form.
Alitalia workers on strike for 24 hours. Ryanair pilots 1 - 5pm, Vueling Airlines 10am - 2pm. Rome airport and Ciampino Airport workers 1pm - 5pm. Italian ports 24 hour strike action. For updates and the following days including rail strike information see Easy Travel Report front page


Old strikes from 2017
Announced late Tuesday evening, (7 November, 2017) the general air strike planned for Friday, November 10, 2017 has been cancelled, except you may still face strike action at Fiumicino and Brescia airports between 1-5pm. You will however face a public transportation strike. Strike includes rail see

16 June 2017 Is turning out to be a nightmare. A general transportation strike, rail, aviation and public transportation. Malpensa will be effected
follow along with us Easy Travel Report

Strikes from 2017 effecting Malpensa Airport

26 May 2017 We have good news for you. Strikes:-Italian air traffic control strike cancelled but has been re-scheduled to July see Italian air traffic control strike page. Alitalia is still on strike this weekend. Airport workers strike has been cancelled. Taxi strike for Monday has been cancelled. Not sure about the truck strike for Monday Easy Travel Report

Next Italian aviation strike you have to worry about is Italian air traffic control strike May 28, 2017. This may just get deferred again follow along
Italian air traffic control strike and 
Easy Travel Report

Alitalia runs out of money 13 April, 2017
Update:-Wednesday April 19, 2017 Great news. All aviation across Italy for the 21st of April have been cancelled.

Another bad day for passengers flying in and out of Italy Friday, April 21, 2017.

You should know an Italian air traffic control strike is to take place Friday, April 21, 2017 from 10 am to 6 pm. This will involve flights the day before and after. Call your airline.

Alitalia workers will strike from 10am - 6pm as with Italian Easyjet crews 10am - 6pm.
For this and other aviation strikes that day see Easy Travel Report

All in all difficult day to get around Italy, fingers crossed you can get by. Monday April 3, expect more information perhaps..

Friday 31 March 2017 Several Alitalia unions confirm strike action for Wednesday the 5th of April.

Strike will effect domestic and international Alitalia flights, 24 hour strike starts Wednesday, 4th April midnight. Check our front page for updates as this news may change

Some Alitalia flights on Thursday are guaranteed to go between 7am - 10am and 6pm - 9pm.

Expect your flight to be brought forward, delayed or worse cancelled. Several thousand Alitalia workers to be let go. 

Pilots and air crews will strike for 4 hours noon - 4pm this includes subsidiary Cityliner.

Passengers its highly advisable that you contact Alitalia if you are traveling on the evening of the 4th or morning of the the 6th, Friday. Alitalia wants to accommodate you.
Call in Italy 800.65.00.55
Out of the country 39.06.65649 or your travel agent.
​(More meetings to take place later in the month that may effect your return trip, we will update. Alitalia runs out of money April 13th)

Other aviation workers threaten 24 hour strike action on the 5th, Thursday 
from 00.01-23:59 nationwide - Vague. Florence and Pisa airports might have disruptions.

Rome Ciampino airport and Fiumicino airport workers will strike between noon and 4pm.

Air Italy - Meridiana 24 hour strike action Call them

Blue Panorama a charter airline 2-6pm based in Rome and Milan.

Workers who operate Linate and Malpensa airport's will strike for 24 hours, includes ramp workers and some baggage handling. Call your airline.

Are you flying into Milan? Public transportation strike on the 5th. Strike will effect Milan metro, buses and trams, morning mainly, check your travel plans.

Heads up! Alitalia strike is planned for Wednesday April 5, 2017. 00:01 - 23:59. Expect your flight to be brought forward, delayed or worse cancelled. Several thousand Alitalia workers to be let go. We will update closer to date.

Italian Taxi Strike - Nationwide
Rome and Milan expected to be hit hard by taxi strike
Tomorrow Italian taxi drivers will strike 8am to 10pm. BAD news for commuters extra traffic on road.
Demonstration in Rome, Madonna di Loreto square 9am - 2pm. Major disruption is expected in Rome and Milan several thousand participants expected.
Drivers will meet with government officials today 5pm.

Malpensa Airport - Milan
Air Traffic Control
Monday, 20 March 2017 Italian air traffic control strike 1pm - 5pm is still on. Your flight could be brought forward, delayed or worse cancelled. Call your airline. Double whammy if flying to Helsinki with Finnair see

March 8, Baggage handlers Malpensa Airport - 24 hours. Malpensa Express likely to be replaced with buses Do check our front page as a massive Italian public transportation strike is planned Easy Travel Report
​Update:-Tuesday 21 February, 2017 Malpensa baggage handler strike has been deferred to March 8th. Other unions are still striking.

Malpensa Airport workers will strike for 24 hours, ground crews - ramp workers will stop you boarding planes. Miserable. Easyjet must be pulling hair out as with Albastar and Meridiana Follow along  you should know a taxi strike is going on and likely to clash with this day. Bad day for air passengers.

Milan's Linate and Malpensa Strike 
          20 January 2017
​(We apologize for confusion)
​This strike however is on:-
Thursday 19 January 2017 Urgent call out from Alitalia today. 

Milan Malpensa/Rome Airport
Alitalia is asking all passengers who are flying from Milan to/from Rome tomorrow between 2pm ad 6pm to call them, to reschedule.
800-650-055 out of the country +39 06 65649. 

Alitalia state workers at Malpensa are causing this problem not them. 

Updated today 19 January 2017 the official Italian gov site. (Yes, yesterday newspapers reported aviation strikes had been postponed to February 23, 2017, several strikes are planned for that day. Strikes cancelled were 24 hour strikes, if that helps) as you can see they've still got three strikes up...
If flying in and out of Milan's Malpensa or Linate Airport call your airline. Airport security are on strike between 2pm and 6pm tomorrow Friday, 20 January 2017. Your flight will be delayed, cancelled or brought forward.

Thursday 19 January 2017 Urgent call out from Alitalia today. One of those strikes is still on. 
Milan Malpensa/Rome Airport 
Alitalia is asking all passengers who are flying from Milan to/from Rome tomorrow between 2pm ad 6pm to call them, to reschedule.
800-650-055 out of the country +39 06 65649. 

Wednesday 18 January 2017 Just incase you are not up to date, some aviation strikes planned for Friday have been deferred till February. Are you traveling with Alitalia? You might need to know that airline only has funds to last till mid March. Still stay in touch with our front page As other transportation strikes are going on. You could find yourself stuck in traffic jams due to public transportation strikes. If you know something we don't let us know!

Trenord Strike
Trenord massive amount of workers are expected to join in. Workers will strike Friday, January 27, 2017 fro 9am to 5pm. Some so called “strike proof” trains will be running, see if you are on one. Trenord strike effects suburban and long distant routes including Malpensa Airport. Trenord owns Milan's Malpensa Express, in the past buses have been used to replace train. Expect delays, cancellations and route changes.

Old strikes from last year 2016December 14, Rome bus (Atac) strike, extra traffic on roads, shortage of taxi's. Commuters will crowd onto alternative forms of transport. Getting to the airports wil be fun!

How will you get to the airport?

December 15th Aviation strikes
Milan - Malpensa Airport baggage handlers and ramp workers 11am - 3pm. Call your airline.

Hand in hand with Milan's Malpensa is Rome's Fiumicino and Ciampino airports strikes from 11am - 3pm. This has been revoked

Alitalia workers threaten 24 hour strike, nationwide. This includes some cabin crew union members. Update:-Tuesday 13 Nothing in the news regarding this strike or at the Alitalia site. If you hear nothing - Strike may only involve pen pushers, in the office?

Alitalia Cityliner nation-wide strike by pilots and flight attendants 00:01 - 23:59 deferred to February 23, 2017.

​16th, December Be aware public transportation strikes are planned in Turin and Milan.

General Strike 
General strike is being planned for November 25, 2016, involving rail and aviation strikes

Strike actions are being planned for July 23, 2016

Aviation Strikes
Strike actions are being planned for July 23, 2016
Update:-21 July 2016 Good news, Italian air traffic control strike has been cancelled. Strike has been deferred to another date yet to be announced.
Olbia airport Sardinia, strike is still on however . Trainord strike cancelled.
See front page for rail strike this weekend

Perhaps you also need to know on Tuesday 26 July 2016 Be prepared not to get around Rome. A 24 hour public transportation strike is planned effecting Metro, buses, trolley buses, trams, regional railways Rome-Lido, Rome-Civita- Viterbo and Terms- Centocelle. This strike also includes the ticket office, Metroferroviarie Lines elevators, escalators and stairlifts. 
Minimal service will be in effect. Transportation will run till 8:30 am and start up again 5:30pm - 8:30pm. 
Expect traffic jams, shortage of taxi's.18 March 2015 Milan Malpensa few delays early 9:30 am AA, Iberia, Finnair, Qatar and BA. Otherwise flights are leaving today. Public transportation strike in full effect today. Rome traffic blocked by taxi's. Good luck in your travel s today for other strikes

Strikes from 2015
Sorry to tell you Italian air traffic control strike is planned for October 24, 2015. Call your airline. 
Same day - Lombardy Region:- Milan's Malpensa Airport and Linate Airport. Baggage handlers from 10am - 6pm. 

Old strikes 2015
15 June 2015 Several flight delays today, partly due to Malpensa airport workers are on strike. We think this includes baggage handlers. Good luck! See our favorite site

11 June 2015 Fiumicino Airport asking airlines to hold back flights again by 20%. Long hauls not effected. Spanish air traffic control strike is still on

15 May, 2015 Another wave of aviation strikes to take place Monday, 25 May, 2015. Staff at Malpensa will strike for 24 hours on and off. All flights to be affected except flights to and from Bari, Brindisi and Genoa Airports. 
See Easy Travel Report Also if you are flying into the UK watch out a 24 hour national rail strike is going on 25/26 May. Plus baggage handlers in Helsinki Vantaa, Barcelona and Madrid airports. Iceland has a general strike planned Icelandair strike

11 May, 2015 After the fire last week in Terminal 3, Rome's Fiumicino airport is closed.  All air traffic for Alitalia moving to Terminal 1.  Airport has asked all airlines to cut back flights to Fiumicino airport by as much as 30%. Fire started from behind a fridge in one of the restaurants.
Strikes at Rome Fiumicino Airport
Old strikes for 2015
Belgian unions planning national strike for Wednesday April 22nd, 2015.

French air traffic control strikes planned April and May 2015 Flights to, from and over France will be delayed, cancelled or brought forward.

Old strikes in 2015
14 March, 2015 Taking the train from and to Malpensa? Trenord on strike this week-end and trains are not guaranteed. Strike will start 9pm Saturday and last for 24 hours Easy Travel Report
          Alitalia Strikes
Alitalia strike by pilot's and flight attendants is planned for 20 March, 2015
from 10 am - 6pm same time as air traffic controllers. 
Italian air traffic control strikes are planned
Friday, 20 March, 2015 from 10 am - 6 pm
Tuesday, 21 April, 2015 from 1pm - 5pm

  ​​​Italian air traffic control strike is planned for:- Call your airline your flight will be delayed, cancelled or even brought forward.
Tuesday 17, February, 2015 1- 5pm 

Strikes from last year.
  Italian air traffic control strike
      Friday, 15 December, 2014.
Controllers will strike 1 pm - 5 pm local time. It’s going to be a mess. Long hauls, short hauls and domestic flights will be grounded. 
In general flights will not be back on schedule till Sunday.

Alitalia Strike
Workers will strike from Noon - 4 pm. 

As a general strike is also going on, Italian airport workers, baggage handlers, ramp workers etc will be striking from 10 am - 6 pm.

Call your airline. Chances are you will be cancelled or brought forward or delayed.
You don’t want to be traveling around Italy that day. Call work, stay an extra day.

Italian trains will strike all weekend effecting Malpensa Express.

Taxi’s will be hard to find, extra traffic on roads causing traffic jams, occasional road blocks.

See Easy Travel Report for further updates

Earlier strikes for 2014
    Italian Transportation Strike
23 October, 2014 Italian General Strike
Black Friday, 24 October 2014 - 24 hours
Turin and Perugia not taking part.
Italian air traffic control have not given official notice of any strike action (yet see Eurocontrol) 
Italian official government strike page states air strike from 00.00 - 23:59.
Malpensa airport Express will be replaced with buses.
EasyJet has notice up and were on top of thing early.
​Bus, tram, metro and railways across Italy to have intermittent strikes throughout the day.
Problems for transportation will occur between the hours of 8:30 am and 5 pm and again 8pm till midnight.
Be prepared for the worst case scenario. Blocked roads to your airport, no trains to and from your airport, shortage of taxi's, extra traffic on the roads. Traffic jams.
Rome's Roma Termini to Fiumicino Airport - Leonardo Express will be running as normal. Escalators and elevators will not. Large demonstrations, thousands expected in Rome city center.
Trenitalia and Trenord some trains are guaranteed to leave.
​Italian air traffic control strike October 2014
19 October 2014 We have some air strikes you might want to know about that may effect your travel plans to and from Malpensa Airport.

Lufthansa pilot strike, EasyJet Strike and Tap Airlines
Italian air strikes and general strikes in Belgium and Morocco see ETR
German Railway strike issues still not resolved

Old industrial actions for 2014
Rome Ciampino Airport workers to strike Saturday, 6, September, 2014 12:30 lunch time - 4:30pm. 
Also two Italian air traffic control unions have a strike planned for the same time.
Here we go again.
14 July 2014 Next week airport workers will strike - baggage handlers at Malpensa Airport. Strike will start 00:01 - 24:00 on Sunday, July 20, 2014. Same strike will hit Linate Airport also. See our front page. That day will be a headache for airline passengers. Confirm how you will get to and from your hotel and airport. Alitalia and Easyjet also striking.

​Old industrial actions
10 June 2014 It's possible you will be flying into a taxi strike tomorrow. Get to airport early, expect traffic snarl ups around Malpensa and Milan train station.
Meridiana Fly flight crew, 24 hrs, Sunday, 22 June, 2014
              EasyJet Strike
5 June 2014 Italian EasyJet cabin crew will strike nationwide for 24 hours on Sunday, June 22. Expect your flight to be delayed perhaps but not canceled. Management will bring in foreign crews to man your flight.
             Italian Rail Strike
Train Trenord Strike (Milan, Bregamo)
May effect Malpensa Express
Trenord strike starts Saturday 9pm 14 June 2014 (expect trains to power down earlier) goes on till 9pm Sunday 15 June.​
  Italian air traffic controllers
11 June 2014 This strike is cancelled flights as normal
​Italian air traffic control (ENAV) This strike has been deferred to Wednesday June 11, 2014. Four hours only 12.30-16.30. (Likely to be deferred Update:-5 June, not cancelled yet)
​             Techno Sky Strike (this strike also cancelled)
An ENAV company "Techno Sky" will strike from Saturday 14 June 2014 to June 16, 2014. Hours?
Not sure what effect a strike will have. Perhaps nothing. (Felt obliged to give you the heads up) per website:-is responsible for the management, servicing and maintenance of equipment and systems used for the national air traffic control, ensuring full availability and full operational efficiency without interruption.
Milan (45 Kilometers - 28 miles from Milan city center) Bergamo Orio al Serio Airport closed till June 2, 2014 for airport repairs. Airport getting ship shape for Milan World Expo 2015.


21 May 2014 Taxi protest today, you might have a time finding a taxi at Milan train station and Malpensa Airport.
  Italian Rail Strike
Train Trenord Strike (Milan, Bregamo)
May effect Malpensa Express
Trenord strike starts Wednesday 9pm 28 May goes on till 9pm Thursday 29 May.

May 30, 2014 Will see several strikes across Italy. EasyJet strike the whole day, Alitalia flight crews Noon - 4pm, Meridiana Fly 24 hour strike. Airports Linate and Malpensa baggage handlers strike and lastly Verona Airport employees threaten work stoppage.

Old industrial actions for 2014
13 May 2014 this Friday May 16, 2014 Workers who work for ATA Italia will hold a 24 hour strike. ATA Italia deals with lifts and ladders. Hopefully your airline can deal with it. Company also has workers in Rome's Fiumincino, Catania Fontanrossa and Marco Polo Airports. Strike to last 24 hours in Linate and Malpensa airport. 

Alitalia strike planned for May 16 has been 

Italian air traffic control will strike Friday May 16, 2014. Italian air space will be closed for one hour 2-3pm local time. Call your airline for details. Flights will be delayed, international flights will take priority. Keep in touch with your airline.
        Italian air traffic controllers
Italian air traffic control strike planned for May 3, 2014.
Italian air traffic control strike

Saturday May 3, 2014 Florence Airport strike from Lunch time 12:30 -4:30 pm.

Saturday May 3, 2014 Linate and Malpensa Airport strike - "workers in the airline business" 12:30 - 4:30 Linate Airport Malpensa Airport

Friday, May 16, 2014 Naples, baggage handlers, 24 hour, call your airline, contingency plan might be in effect. See Naples airport strike 2014

Friday, May 16, 2014 Alitalia flight attendants strike nationwide from noon to 4pm. Not likely to hit international flights. We will follow along at Alitalia Strike 2014
March 2014 Several strikes planned at Malpensa Airport. See Easy Travel Report
​March 7, 2014 Alitalia inviting passengers to confirm your flight 800 65 00 55. Intercontinental flights will be flying.

Milan taxi strike has been postponed till 13th March.
Milan fashion week February 19-24
Milan taxi drivers will have a protest Thursday, 20th February. Make plans if flying into Linate, Malpensa Airports or Milan train station. Thousands of buyers and journalists in town. Milan's Chamber of Commerce hoping to change drivers minds.
29 January 2014 Added more aggravation. Linate airport has a wildcat strike by taxi drivers, might roll over to Malpensa airport. 

Industrial actions for 2014
28 January 2014 Pan European air traffic control strike See what countries involved Easy Travel Report Hopefully airlines EasyJet, Alitalia have gotten hold of you.
January 18, 2014
Airplane workers at Milan's Malpensa and Linate Airports will strike from 12-4pm 
Last years industrial Actions
Sunday, November 17 Air traffic control strike has been cancelled for the 22nd. Alitalia strike still on 1-5 along with Malpensa and Linate airport workers.
12 November Milan's Linate and Malpensa airports, 24 hour strike November 22. Do check Easy Travel Report front page as air traffic control is also striking that day. Still time for lots of changes.
Old industrial actions
October 29, 2013 Alitalia pilots and crew are on strike today. Only for four hours. Follow along with us Alitalia Strike

17 October 2013 Milan Malpensa airport will be on strike tomorrow for 24 hours, starting midnight tonight. Stay in touch with your airline.
7 September, 2013 Couple of strikes you should know that are coming up that might delay your flight. Tuesday, September 10, French air traffic control strike and on October 17 Pan European air traffic control strike. Both likely to send ripples around the nework.

19 August 2013, Milan, Malpensa baggage handlers have planned a strike for Monday, September 9th from 10am - 2pm. Just enough time to annoy you. 
19 August 2013, Airline workers will strike at Linate and Malpensa airports in Milan for four hours September 27, 2013 from 10 AM to 2PM. (who knows what this means?)
Alitalia flight attendants strike planned September 27 from 10-2pm.
Yes, a new list:-
Revoked Italian Strikes!
Italian Airline Strikes Thursday, July 18
Alitalia Cabin Crew Strike Noon - 4PM lucky you
Linate and Malpensa airport strikes planned for 18 July and July 27 have been cancelled.
Italian Easyjet strike, typical Italian style, not sure if it's on or off for the 18th.

July 18, Blue Panorama cabin crew strike 24 hours still on.In June
June 10, 2013 Malpensa will be hit by French air traffic control strike making it harder for Alitalia to bring your flight forward.
Alitalia flight attendants strike, 24 hours Friday June 14, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 Milan airport strike,  Linate and Milan Malpensa workers will strike for 24 hours. Your flight will be subject to delay, cancellation, refund or bought forward.  Passengers should call your airline. Domestic flights to Catania, Rome and Naples to be hit the most. Overseas busiest routes Madrid, Barcelona and Paris CDG. See Twitter and airport websites. Call center  02.232323.
International flights will be delayed. EasyJet cancels flights from Malpensa and Linate airports. Neos airline to be hit hard.
May 13, 2013 Tomorrow Linate airport and Malpensa airports to be hit by airport worker strike for 24 hours. Alitalia and Air One have been trying to contact you. Just in case, you should know Croatia airlines to strike tomorrow as with Turkish Airlines on Wednesday. Airline seats will be scarce. Confirm! Flights from China - Beiging and Shanghai, Delta  and American Airlines- NY, United - Newark, Aer Lingus - Dublin on and on.

Last years industrial actions
Regarding general strike for November 30
Malpensa Express changes in shedule. Our page on Alitalia   

Old stuff
Update:-Margret stated no delays.

Update:-16 November This strike is still on, has not been cancelled.  Please email us if you know otherwise. 
For Margret EasyJet information page. (refresh)

Malpensa and Linate airport strike from 10am to 6PM on Monday 19 November. Aer Lingus strike has been canceled that was planned for 19 November.

Friday, September 21, 2012 Milan's Linate and Malpensa airport workers will strike, 10AM to 6PM. 

16 September 2012 Malpensa airport under strike threat again.  This time it's coming from Ireland.  Dublin, Shannon and Cork airport workers will have rolling two hour strikes all day Monday 1 October 2012. Joining in Irish national airline Aer Lingus. Call them. Ryanair does not go to Malpensa Airport.
21 June 2012 Trenitalia rail strike starting 9PM tonight.
22 June 2012 Linate and Malpensa airport workers to strike for 24 hours. Public transport strike today, in most Italian major cities. Buses, trams, local trains and metro's. Remember workers have to go to and from work. See below. Trenitalia rail strike ends 9pm.

22 June 2012 Linate and Malpensa airport strike for 24 hours.
Friday, June 1, 2012 Luggage handlers Milan Linate and Malpensa airports, 24 hours.
Airport staff at Malpensa and Linate airport strike for 24 hours, Friday, 21 January, 2012. Baggage handlers, Aviapartner Malpensa, maybe in this strike. 

So last year 2010
17, Dec.2010 Milan Malpensa airport and Linate Airport will strike from 3am to 7am! (turned out to be a 24 hr strike, and flights were canceled)

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Malpensa Airport Strike