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​Thursday August 16, 2018 Liverpool John Lennon Airport Strike
GMB union workers at John Lennon Airport reject latest pay offer. Strike will begin 7pm, Thursday August 23 and end 7am Saturday the 25th.
7am Monday 3 September another 12 hour walkout is planned. Airport director states you won't even notice any strike action. For this and more strikes that might effect your travel plans Easy Travel Report front page


December 2017 Do you take Arriva Bus to Liverpool airport? Echo

July 2017 Number of passengers passing through July and August 750,000

19 October 2014 We have some air strikes you might want to know about that may effect your travel plans to and from Liverpool airport.

Lufthansa pilot strike, EasyJet Strike and Tap Airlines
Italian air strikes and general strikes in Belgium and Morocco see ETR

Old strikes from 2013
January 9, 2013 Handling Solutions and union form a tentative agreement as HS agrees to stall it's new cost cutting plan. EasyJet passengers can relax for a short time.
January 4, 2013 EasyJet's Baggage handler company Handling Solutions has till Monday to get back to GMB union or members will be balloted for strike action. 10 workers to be let go, others having hours cut. If strike is to happen your looking around first week of February. Management will have a contingency plan in effect. If issue not resolved could roll over to other workers.

6 December 2012 Easyjet baggage handlers facing layoffs who work for Handling solutions.
Easy Travel Report Easyjet

6 January 2012 Nasty dispute still going on. By law strike must end by 31 January after legally lasting 12 weeks. As reported by liverpooldailypost

Issues from last year 2011
20 December Issue still not over. Bosses state Christmas travel will be uninterrupted. Admit delays have occured. Luke Traynor, Liverpool Daily Post

12/12/11 Issue back in the news today.  Servisair tells employees they will not be paid for the day if they return to work after striking. Liverpool airport state action has not effected service at airport.
17 November 2011 John Lennon Airport baggage handlers will strike two hours, morning and afternoon on:-
Wednesday 23 November 5am and 7pm.
Friday 25 November 5-7am and 7:15 - 9:15pm
Sunday 27 November 4pm - 6pm
Monday 28 November 5-7am and 7-9pm 

Wednesday 30 November on, daily 5-7am and 7-9pm 
and no overtime ban will be in effect. UK general strike 30 November 2011

Airport management will have a contingency plan in place and Serviceair will bring in workers from else where. Even so, can you get away with just bringing carry on? John Lennon airport serves these airlines
EasyJet, Flybe, Wizzair, Ryanair and KLM. Local paper Liverpool Echo has all the gruesome details.

Old Stuff
Onur Air and Eastern Airways no longer uses JLA, since?
August 2011 Security strike threat by Securitas  Security workers being balloted for industrial action.
1, September, Monday, Everyone back to work. Deal made and no details given.

24 August, 09 Today we have the added threat that firemen (GMB union) may join the strike.  If so this is will most likely shut down the airport. Nothing set yet. No delays so far, running as normal.

Friday, 21, August,09  Baggage moving along as normal, no disruptions even though strike is going on. Airport contingency plan working. The Ryanair spokesman said: "Flights will operate as normal but are asking passengers, if possible, to avoid checking in baggage to the hold."Delays in handling baggage could occur and we are asking passengers who have hold luggage to report for check-in a full two hours before the flight departure."

Thursday, 20 August, 09 Airport running smooth today. A spokesman said: "The handling agent has reassured the airport that robust contingency plans already in place will mean that passengers flying with those airlines who use Servisair at Liverpool will not be inconvenienced during this dispute.  Extra staff hired.
Easyjet, who use alternative handling agents to Servisair and are not involved in this dispute."

18 August, 09 All out continuous strike action is planned to go ahead from 4am on Thursday 20 August. GMB have balloted members for strike action and the ballot result is due on Friday 21 August, 09

14, Aug, 09 Liverpool John Lennon Airport, baggage handlers, ground handlers, strike 4am on Thursday, 20, August 2009.  Affects flights by Ryanair, KLM, Wizzair, Flybe and Thomson. ServisAir staff who belong to GMB union calling industrial action about 51 employees who have to re-apply to 27 jobs and 23 compulsory redundancies. One last meeting due this Monday, 17 August, 1pm a last ditch effort.

Everton  football club, game scheduled for Czech Republic, Sigma Olomouc on August 27.

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Liverpool, John Lennon Airport, strikes, industrial actions, disruptions and flight delays, Serviceair baggage handlers, 
cabin crews and pilot industrial actions! Owned by Peel Airports.
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Liverpool Airport Strike