Lyon Airport Strikes
  Lyon Saint Exupéry Airport Strikes
Is Air France on Strike Again?

Lyon airport choose another airline 
How to get to Lyon airport
Rhone Express Tram, Ouigo low cost high speed rail and  high speed rail TGV.

This airport for Chambéry and Grenoble.
Lyon Base for

Who else is on strike today?
What's your airline up to?
What's your airport up to?
Shaky Airline Status
Travel Industrial Action strike this week 2018

​Heads up
Barcelona air traffic control strikes, summer 2018.

Wednesday 27 June, 2018 Announced today a new strike this week-end by French air traffic controllers out of Marseille airport
Follow Marseille Airport Strikes
reminder Italian air traffic control strike is planned for 5 July, 2018
13 June 2018 Announced early today French air traffic control strike is planned for this week-end. Strike starts Saturday and goes on till Monday 18th.  See French air traffic control strikes page for disruptions info.

Attention More Air France pilot strike dates for you.

​Perhaps you need to know Greek general strike is planned for May, 30 2018.

Update:-Lyon Airport expected to be hard by French air traffic control strikes  Monday, 21 May, 2018 to Wednesday 5am, local times.

Update:-6 April, 2018 French national rail strike dates and new Air France strike dates for you Easy Travel Report

Air France pilot's and ground crews will strike Friday 23 March, 2018.  Then expect knock on  effect. 
We have an update for you. Air France union members have decided to call strike action for another day. Can't be more annoying for thousands of passengers. Easter Friday, 30 March, 2018. Most Easter travelers have gotten to destination by them, even so it's a disaster for some passengers.

Add to this Air France busy subsidiary HOP will strike the 22, 23 March.
Good week to stay home for updates on all of these industrial actions

22 March French air traffic control will strike, call your airline, chances are your flight will be delayed, cancelled or brought forward. 

Air France Strike
Air France workers have given strike notice for the 22 February. Cabin crews, pilots and ground crews. Expect Air France flights to and from Lyon Airport to be severely disrupted follow along with us Easy Travel Report


Transavia - France Strike
by flight attendants. Your flight could be delayed. Strike ends Saturday midnight, January 6, 2018
Notice up on Transavia site and see our front page for more updates

Last years strikes at Lyon Airport

Lyon airport will likely be hit by French air traffic controller strike that is planned for Tuesday 10 October 2017. Strike will end early Wednesday, morning following day. Your flight will likely be cancelled, brought forward or delayed, expect knock on effect. See Easy Travel Report for updates

HOP Airline Strike
Hop pilots will decide on further strike action 26 July 2017 follow along HOP airline strike


Transavia Airline
(Another Air France subsidiary)
Strike by cabin crews starting Monday 3 July 2017 to Sunday the 9th of July.Bases in Lyon, Paris Orly, Nantes and Lille. Several routes to Greece.  Follow along with us Transavia strike or our front page Easy Travel Report

and HOP strike dates have been changed. HOP pilot's will now strike from Thursday, 
13 July, 2017 - Tuesday the 18th July, 2017.

Change of dates
Air France subsidiary HOP pilots have handed in a strike notice starting Monday July 3 - ending Saturday July 8th. HOP handles most of Air France domestic flights, Negotiations on going see our front page for updates
Also see Easy Travel Report for Portuguese airport security strike in June 2017

Flights to Corsica
Air Corsica flights from Lyon Airport could be impacted by this strike action if no deal is made. Stay in touch with Air Corsica, you don’t want to be sleeping at the airport.
follow along with us Air Corsica Strike
Plus Air France baggage strike in Corsica, Portuguese airport security strike and Italian aviation strikes in May 2017 see
Easy Travel Report

March 2017 Strikes from Air France crews, Italian general strike and Finnish aviation unions striking

Strikes from last year 2016
French air traffic control strikes, General Strike and Air France strike! Will effect your flight flight from Lyon Airport.

​You should know Air France cabin crews are striking as with second busiest airline in France Aigle Azur this week and next. 
Add to this Spain’s Air Europa strike by pilots.
New French general strike is being planned.
For this and other travel strikes
French Air Traffic Control Strike
15 May 2016 Flights from and to Lyon Airport will likely be delayed, cancelled or brought forward due to French air traffic control strike.
French air traffic controllers will strike on Thursday May 19, 2016. (and perhaps 26 May?) If strike goes ahead airlines will be asked to cut back flights to and from France. Stay in close contact with your airline. Air France will take brunt of strike action. French national rail company SNCF is also striking.
French taxi drivers are threatening to join in.
Please see for updates and French air traffic controllers strike (and May 26th?)
Our Air France Strike page.
If you are changing flights in France and have a long lay over in a French international arrivals lounge. Get a French visa as you will be sleeping on a cot in the lounge while other passengers sleep in a comfortable hotel bed with private bathroom. March 2016 saw 140 passengers sleeping on the floor at Orly Airport.
Expect knock-on effect.

Air France Pilot Strike
Sunday May 8, 2016 Air France pilot unions SNPL and SPAF threaten strike action starting Wednesday June 1, 2016 over wage cuts.
You should also know that French air traffic controllers have not resolved issues followed along with us

Old strikes from 2016
Update:-23 March 2016 French air traffic control threaten more strike action next week if they don't get something in concrete. Perhaps in time with the General strike on the 31st which Air France cabin crews will be joining in with.

Update:-23 March 2016 French air traffic controllers threaten more strike action next week if they don't get something in concrete. Perhaps in time with the General strike on the 31st which Air France cabin crews will be joining in with.

Update:-Sunday 20 March 2016 Monday will see flights reduced to and from these airports by 33%:- Beauvais, Lyon, Marseille, Nice, Orly

18 March 2016 Heads up, French air traffic controllers threaten strike this Sunday morning. Airlines will be asked to but back flights by twenty percent. French air traffic control strike

25 January 2016 You might find taxi drivers blocking Access to Lyon Airport tomorrow. French public transportation strike is planned of course this includes French air traffic controllers. Controllers have asked airlines to cut back flights by 20% for more information

Friday January 15 Aircraft re-fuelers strike at Lyon Airport this Sunday. Airlines will get fuel elsewhere.

Heads up:-7 January 2016 Lyon Airport air craft re-fuelers on strike NOP
Air France pilot strikes January 2016

Old strikes from 2015
Monday September 14, 2015
air traffic controllers will announce possible strike action Spanish air traffic control strikes

French Air Traffic Control Strike
Strike will start 0400 UTC Thursday 2 July, 2015 till 0400 UTC Saturday, 4 July, 2015.
If you are flying on these days expect your flight to be delayed, cancelled or brought forward. 
French air traffic control will ask airlines to cancel a certain percentage of flights to, from over and around France by as much as 50% is possible. Can you adjust your plans before everyone else does? Might cost you a fee. Other passengers who wait end up back of the line to other passengers whose flights were not cancelled. Airlines not likely to know what's going on till 24 - 48 hours before strike action. 
follow along with us at

Old strikes 2015
​22 May 2015 strike action with trams, buses and subways in Lyon from 7:30 tonight Lyoncapitale
3 April, 2015 Flights to and from Lyon Saint Exupery Airport will be delayed cancelled or brought forward due ot a French air traffic control strike 8, 9 and 10th April. AFrench general strike on the 9th April. Likely to also effect public transportation.

Old strikes from last year
EasyJet Strike France
Flights from and to Lyon might be up the creek.
19 December 2014 EasyJet strike by French cabin crews, 25th and 26th December. More information to come out as late as Wednesday. Likely to effect flights to and from Corsica, Bordeaux, Brest, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Montpelier, Nantes, Nice, Strasbourg, Toulouse. Charles de Gaulle and Orly.
Follow along with us Easy Travel Report
Old industrial actions for 2014
7 December 2014 Are you taking a Brussels airlines flight this month? If so your flight is likely to be cancelled, brought forward or delayed
see Easy Travel Report

19 October 2014 We have some air strikes you might want to know about that may effect your travel plans to and from Lyon Airport

Lufthansa pilot strike, EasyJet Strike and Tap Airlines
Italian air strikes and general strikes in Belgium and Morocco see ETR
German Railway strike issues still not resolved

Old industrial actions for 2014

Air France strike Saturday 2, August 2014

17 September 2014 Air France pilot strike in full force again today. 12 out of the 16 flights by Air France were cancelled. Passengers informed by text as late as last night.

Old industrial actions
Announced 11 July 2014 Air France union CGT - UGICT asking all employees to strike Saturday 2, August 2014. Ground staff have called for stoppage between 01:00 - 24:00.
French airports that will support the labor strike:-
Airports in Corsica (again) Ajaccio and Bastia.
Bordeaux, Marseille, Lyon, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Montpelier, Mulhouse, Nice, Nantes, Paris Roissy, Charles de Gaulle and Orly. Strike will include all 
Air France subsidiaries.
700 Air France crew members to made redundant along with 700 jobs at Roissy CDG Airport under the new "Transform 2015" plan.

We will be updating on Air France Strike page.
15 JULY 2014 tomorrow at Lyon Airport, Wednesday, 16 July. Possible baggage handlers strike. Expect delays.

Old industrial actions for 2014
10 June 2014 Taxi strike tomorrow focusing on disrupting traffic to Lyon airport and Lyon train station. Leave early and if you are flying to another European country chances are you will be greeted by another taxi strike. Same with Nice, CDG, Orly and Marseille airports.
French air traffic controllers will strike this month so follow along with us at Easy Travel Report

       Lyon Airport Strike
Strike by air traffic control Thursday, 15 May, 2014. No cancellations yet, but you might find yourself delayed. Bring a book.
24 April 2014 Lyon airport security strike this Saturday 30 April. Minimize your carry on content and get to airport earlier than you usual would. Security strike to last all day. Lyon Airport

​​2 February 2014 Flying with Transavia?
Strike talks are going on. Union SPAF threaten 6 day strike before March 31st, 2014. Transavia flies to Monastir, Tunis, Athens, Funchal, Heraklion, Marrakesh, Oujda, Porto and Seville.
Old industrial actions for 2014 already!
Air France Ground Workers Strike
21 January, 2014 Air France ground workers strike. Friday, 24th of January, for two hours. 
Airports involved:- Ajaccio, Bastia, Montpellier , Nantes, Nice, Basel Mulhouse, Paris Orly, Strasbourg, 
Toulon and Toulouse, Bordeaux , Lyon and Marseille.
Call your airline you flight could be brought forward, delayed or cancelled.
a 5 day strike is planned by French air traffic controllers next week. See Easy Travel Report for countries involved.
So last years industrial actions
June 9, 2013 French air traffic controllers in France and other European countries will strike this week. Airlines have been asked to cut back flights into France by 50%. All French airports will be hit.  Call your airline. Follow along with us French air traffic control strike
Old Strikes and issues at Nice Airport

March 13, Flights between Lyon and Lisbon and Porto with TAP Portugal and TAP Portugal subsidiary Portugalia will be cancelled due to strikes by workers on March 21, 22 and 23. Call them if you haven't already.  Sata International and SATA Azores is also striking along with TAP. Follow along with us on our TAP Strike page. On a lighter side Iberia Airline strike is cancelled for a couple of weeks.
Old Strikes
March 3 French air traffic controllers strike starting 6pm Monday evening and lasting till Wednesday 6am. Chances are your flight has been delayed. Call Lyon Saint Exupery airport ahead or your airline. Few other travel news this week. Iberia airline strike effecting IberiaExpress, Iberia, Air Nostrum and Vueling flights. Later in the month is a TAP airline strike being planned. 
Lufthansa Lyon - Berlin route ending end of March, not profitable.

Last years industrial actions
16 September 2012 Travel from France to Ireland will be delayed Monday 1 October by Aer Lingus employees and Irish airport workers. Call Aer Lingus to change your flight. We will follow along here


Old stuff
Friday 10 August 2012 This time it's French EasyJet pilots threatening to strike for three days. August 15, 17 and 19 causing problems at Lyon airport.
EasyJet has announced to check website on Monday for news.

Old Stuff
20 July 2012 Regional Air France subsidiary strike. Regional flights from Lyon-Saint Exupéry Airport  will be cancelled.
6 October 2010 Taxi strike from noon till midnight. All taxi stands located on the forecourt of terminal 1, t2 and the tgv station. If you'd made a reservation your taxi will be ready and waiting for you.

Alternative plans perhaps with:-
Rhonexpress travel to Lyon in 30 mins. Links the TGV rail station of Lyon Part-Dieu with the Gare de Lyon Saint-Exupéry in less than 30 minutes.

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Lyon Airport Strike